Lu-177 labelling kits for Fluidomica SE-PLV synthesizer

CMR supplies our clients with the single-use consumables for automated syntheses of ¹⁷⁷Lu labelled radiopharmaceuticals at Fluidomica SE-PLV synthesizer.
Each synthesis process requires one ancillary kit (K006), one reagent kit (K003) and one single-use cassette (H001). Beside it, a reusable cassette support (CS0702)
by Fluidomica is required.

Trade name: Ancillary Kit for labelling with Lutetium-177
CMR Product code: K006−01
Fluidomica analogue’s code: CA0702
Radionuclide precursor: ¹⁷⁷Lu in form LuCl₃ in 0.04 M HCl solution
(CMR Product code: R001)
Activity per a synthesis: the kit is designed up to 8 GBq of ¹⁷⁷Lu
Chemical precursors: DOTA- and DOTAGA-conjugates of the octreotides and PSMA-ligands
Volume of the final product: about 10 ml

Trade name: Reagent Kit for labelling with Lutetium-177
CMR Product code: K003−01
Fluidomica analogue’s code: CK0702

Trade name: Cassette for labelling with Lutetium-177
CMR Product code: H001-CA01
Fluidomica analogue’s code: CT0702

Trade name: Ancillary Kit for labelling with Lutetium-177
CMR Product code: K006−01
Fluidomica analogue’s code: CA0702
Radionuclide precursor: ¹⁷⁷Lu in form LuCl₃ in 0.04 M HCl solution
(CMR Product code: R001)
Activity per a synthesis: the kit is designed up to 8 GBq of#nbsp¹⁷⁷Lu
Chemical precursors: DOTA- and DOTAGA-conjugates of the octreotides and PSMA-ligands
Volume of the final product: about 10 ml

1. GMP product;
2. Tested for bioburden (or sterility) and bacterial endotoxins

General description:
Reagent kit contains only chemical reagents for single run. Cassette and ancillary
kit contain all required single-use consumables suitable for automated process
of synthesis. Radionuclide and chemical precursors are not included in the kit — they must be ordered separately. This technology includes post-purification with a SPE C18 cartridge and sterilizing filtration. The synthesis process is programmed by Fluidomica in the software sequence LU0702v03

Reagent kit expiry: 12 months after the production date
Cassette expiry: 12 months after the production date
Ancillary kit expiry: 12 months after the production date
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