Deutetium depleted water
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Scientists working in medicine and biochemistry have shown that water with reduced concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen (light water) has phenomenal biochemical
and therapeutic properties, as compared to water with
the natural level of these elements.

The consumption of light water has been stimulated
by reliable clinical data, including the recovery of patients with diseases such as cancer (prostate gland, breast, etc.), diabetes mellitus, and obesity (metabolic problems).
Light water has also shown the possibility to strengthen the immune system and strongly increasing the immune resistance to radiation.
All of these indicators were statistically significant.
Over the past 20 years, there have been
a lot of experimental data to show that the purification
of the natural water with deletion of the deuterium
can significantly improve biological properties of water.

This "purified" water can be used for the purpose
of general prevention, and as homeopathic and mixed treatment modalities.
Unfortunately, there is no known mechanism in water with reduced content deuterium that could be able to explain reduction in tumor growth rates and production
of metastasis in tumors.
Given the theoretical considerations, (increased strength of the hydrogen link of deuterated compounds, changes
in the speed and directions of biochemical reactions, distortion of the regulation and division of cells and some others), it can be assumed that replacing the deuterium
in the body with a light-weight isotope results in the normalization of biochemical reactions, the improvement
of the functioning of the immune system and, consequently, in the suppression of the tumorigenesis
and metastatic disease.
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